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Importance of Updating Your Blog

Added On:
   Wed 24/Sep/2008
Last Updated:
   Wed 24/Sep/2008
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   Importance of Updating Your Blog

   What is the importance of updating your blog often? Some might see no value in it; and might instead create multiple blogs, each of which they attend to for only minutes each week. Other blog owners see the importance of updating your blog often-and will spend 3-4 hours each day updating their blogs with news and ideas. From a technical perspective, new and unique content makes your blog look better to search engine spiders; this, in turn, gets your blog ranked higher. Additionally, from a technical perspective, updating your blog more frequently will allow you to get pings accepted more often, which means your blog will spend more time on the front page of blog directories.From both a technical marketing perspective and a social marketing perspective, updating your blog often is one of the best ways to maintain a constant flow of traffic. The importance of updating your blog often also comes into play if you wish to integrate widespread social marketing into your overall blog marketing plan. Most people don't realize this, but marketing is often all about the human connections. You don't need to be a technical wizard if you forget about profits for a few minutes and instead concentrate on making human connections with other blog owners who share similar interests. One of the best ways to achieve this is by keeping an updated blog, which will give other bloggers the incentive to drop by each day, post new comments on your blog, and refer their own blog readers to your blog.

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