Posted by: profitlink | June 4, 2008

Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic

21 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

A considerable portion of my consulting time has recently revolved around the optimization of corporate blogs (or the addition of blogs to revamped sites). As usual, I find a pattern emerging in the strategies that need attention and the pitfalls that must be avoided.

Tips for Blog Traffic – How to Increase Traffic Levels

But in my opinion, the best way to increase blog traffic is simply by posting often with quality content. In fact, there are so many benefits of posting quality content that I’m going to dedicate this entire blog post to the subject… …

Increase blog traffic via Blog Explosion

I have found myself spending a lot of time over at It is a great way to get traffic to your blog and there are several fun ways to do it. You can surf others blogs, each time earning traffic to your own blog. …

Read more…

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Keywords: <a href=”” rel=”tag”>Internet Marketing How-to</a>

Posted by: profitlink | June 1, 2008

It’s just elementary…

It’s the simplest things in life and business that make the most sense. But sometimes we are blind to the obvious, so I thought I’d share a few elementary nuggets with you this week.These simple ideas should stay as the front of your mind and guide you forward. Properly applied, they will empower you to achieve greater financial independence, happiness and success all round. As you read them, consider whether you’re doing any of these things now and, if not, how you should apply them to your own business.

Money-Maker #1:

THE most important self-discipline you must have when it comes to starting and growing an internet business (or any business for that matter) is – FOCUS

Many people have a problem staying focused on completing a task. More often than not, it’s because they have given themselves too many tasks. You see, there’re far too many opportunities hitting you day in and out!

Many people are just too impatient and hate to do any actual ‘work’. They’ve read (and believed) all the hype about earning a bomb and doing nothing and so they jump from one program to the next thinking it’ll be THE ‘answer’. But guess what – it’ll NEVER be the answer without the effort.

No matter how good a program is, you’ll need to work at it and build it up to see some success.

I can’t tell you the number of times that people have written me complaining that a certain program “doesn’t work”. Then, when I look into it, I discover that they have been a member for less than 24 hours!

Here’s how you can focus online:


  1. Decide on a proven program. Build a plan and stick to it. By this I mean you write down your goals on paper and stick it up in front of your computer so you’ll see it like a sore thumb.
  2. Stop jumping around from one thing to another. Commit to your plan. Take action on the tasks at hand no matter how boring they may seem.
  3. Have a big picture view of your plan and break it down to smaller steps. Simply complete one step at a time.
  4. Commit at least an hour a day to doing real work, and stop the unnecessary surfing.
  5. Don’t be impatient as patience is a real virtue when it comes to achieving bigger things. Remember the ‘hare and tortoise’ story?

It obviously helps if you’ve a ‘burning desire’ to achieve something. It does not matter what this desire is based upon, but just having a real desire will motivate you more than anything else. It’ll push you to overcome the mundane, boring but essential routines.

Money-Maker #2:

You must learn the two most profitable and critical skills of all time in business IF you want to generate maximum profits – Copywriting, and Marketing.

These two skills alone will make you wealthy beyond your dreams if you combine them with a hungry market and an in-demand product or service.

Copywriting gets your sales message across to your prospects immediately and directly. This is what you want – getting your message across.

Not only that, good copy forces people to take action and gets the sale. You can have the best product in the world but if you have lousy copy, you can be sure of only one thing… your target market will not act the way you want them to!

The right message, which will make them ACT, is NOT getting through to them!

On the other hand, once you have the knowledge promote and market your website effectively, getting targeted prospects becomes easy.

So learn how to persuade with the written word, AND learn everything about promoting and marketing your business. This way you’ll be able to depend on yourself instead of on others.

Money-Maker #3:

ALWAYS seek out opportunities to brand yourself.

This is a whole lot more powerful than you think.

Your success will multiply many times over when your name becomes more recognized and people in your market know you. Similarly, it becomes easier to network, make money and receive privileges once you’re more established.


It’s the law of ‘association’ at work. When you’re well known, you must be good, and when you’re ‘famous’ people want to be with you because it makes them look good.

But HOW do you get known?

Simply by getting your name out to your market. Write articles, start a newsletter, put your name on your websites. Think like a ‘guru’. Talk like a ‘guru’. Act like a ‘guru’

Money-Maker #4:

You must own products that you can leverage and control.

Notice I didn’t say you must necessarily “have” your own products. You just need to “own” products you can make uniquely your own. There IS a difference…

While creating your own products has become ridiculously easy and fast with the internet and available tools these days, some people will still avoid this route. However the ‘good’ news is – you can still ‘get away’ with other people’s products.

Some examples of these are my own TheTrafficJam and ProfitArena, a unique mixture of resale rights, private labelling rights, and licensed ownership.

What you need to do is simply ‘turn’ these into your own unique offerings by doing some ‘modifications’. For instance, you can presell with your own web page, create new marketing angles or even – something as simple as putting your photo on a splash webpage.

The possibilities are only limited by your own creativity. The important thing is, having your own products enable you to ‘call the shots’ and become famous…


Graham Hamer

Posted by: profitlink | May 28, 2008


Welcome to ProfitLink Blog!

Fill needs. Solve problems. And if it’s already being done – DO IT BETTER than anyone else.

Never stop learning and educating yourself.

Throw away the “How can I make money?” mindset. It will lead you nowhere. Rather get a “How can I provide a service that people want?”

On the internet, build “systems” that generate cash. The playing field is NOT level, so you must start hitting home runs.

Systems are easier to administrate, vs product based sites. Systems have no product and/or shipping headaches. No returns and exchanges.

Your goals can be better achieved in an environment that promotes your success (get away from negative influences, people, etc.)

Imitation is NOT flattery! Be original and provide quality content.

Focus. Focus. Focus.  Do one thing and do it well.  The beauty of what we offer is that you can do just one thing and still create multiple income streams.
