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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Monday, July 25, 2011

No need to be offended by preferences that don't save one from the cycle of birth and death...

I don't think it's too important to be concerned about personal preference in mundane things, such as movies, music, hobbies etc, and get offended when others disagree with preferences.

Anything that is transitory and impermenant is not really something to get all offended about. Even getting offended in itself is because a person wants to consider themselves the central enjoying agent in life, and so anything that does not please their personal preference is seen as a thing to get very reactive about.

The way I relate to things is this, if something wants to degrade something that is fully representitive of a divine transcendent source - then that is okay to defend, because if people want to not suffer in the long run they have to be open to following the specifications of the divine transcendent source.

But, there is no need to defend anything that is other then that. I might like eating tofu, if someone hates it... oh well... I don't need to waist my time and energy trying to defend the goodness and virtues of tofu, as tofu in itself is not going to save anyone from repeated birth and death.

Getting so worked up about defending ones own personal preferences that are based on oneself as the central enjoying agent is just worthless exercise. Even more worthless is to defend the personal preferences of others and take personal offense from it.

I dont take my personal preference based on myself as the reference point so seriously that I am willing to be offended if someone disagrees, but I do like to discourage people from putting too much passion into dead end things, because I don't like the idea of people suffering.

Of course if a persons goal is to put passion into all their personal preferences and just go about following them and thinking they have some sort of "birth right" to do so and that all the universe is just going to bow down to their personal will and desire, then it is pointless me trying to discourage them, as it is like butting a head against a brick wall - so in those times I think from now on I will just practice being silent.

But if someone has had some exposure to something beyond it, even if just a little, I always like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they might have developed some little intelligence to be able to get why it is not so beneficial to consider the mundane/transient personal/selfish preferences, to be so important.

What women should make known to a man who is attracted/attached to her.

From the Shiva Purana:

"The woman can well be compared with the God of death, Yama, Antaka, Patala, submarine fire, the sharp edge of the sword, poison, serpents and fire, all put together."

"The pleasure one derives from the company of a woman, is equal to the pleasure derived from a boil by removing the puss. There is nothing more to it."

"A leprous monkey, when it scratches itself having been afflicted with worms, the same pleasure is derived by cohabiting with a woman."

"The comfort one gets with the release of the filfth and urine, the same type of pleasure is achieved from the woman. The fool interprets the same differently."


I would think a lot of women would be offended by the above.... but I think it is better for women to not think they are the "be all and end all" of a mans existence.

There is just to much feminine vanity/arrogance/exhibitionism/crassness around nowadays under the guise of "true female power".

They are also good lines to use if you have some unwanted male attention, but I wouldn't bother using the urine/filth one on males nowadays, because people are so degraded, it is quite predictable that the response would be something like this:  "Wow... I've been really underestimating how much pleasure relief I can really get from relieving my bladder... now I know its just the same as having sex with a woman, which is like the best pleasure relief around... now I can really enjoy going to the toilet!...."

Of course bladder/bowel relief have already been combined with sexual activity by crass people, so that is another reason why that example might not be so effective.

As we go on, people are getting more mix and matchey with all sorts of things... nearly everything is going to be reduced to something that will be able to "pleasure the genitals" in some way.

Crass people everywhere are very excited about the potential in this, and they are also very defensive of the pleasure derived from their genitals.

There is little interest in personal honour, and not going below personal standards of behaviour, because all those standards are just seen as "inhibitions" to exploration.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


My life has taught me that no-one can really be relied on and that relying on a temporary form is pointless anyway.

That is my desire to not develop attachment to temporary forms, the water element aspect of memory can really really hold on to impressions.... it is painful to miss those who you are attached to... and slowly over time I have been able to stop making those attachments, and now I do not place security on others so it is not very pronounced....

Physical pain from injury is much worse... there is more fear and worry about loosing functioning ability and what that means for the future. Even in someone like me who has never really felt to strongly attached to my physical body.

Fear and panic and trauma. The way the body holds on to trauma is rather odd, the body memory that is there... one can really relate to the animal forms in this way, in the ways that animals are constantly traumatised in this day and age.

I like to try and self-heal, and put my faith in deities and other natural therapy techniques, of course it is also a time to reflect about what I am doing wrong in my life and make some changes.