Everything You Need to Know About a PTAC Unit

A packaged terminal air conditioner, also known as a PTAC, is an energy-efficient heating and cooling solution. If you are looking for a way to heat and cool a space without having to worry about the hassle and expense of installing new ductwork, a packaged terminal air conditioner is an excellent choice. Making changes around the house? Use a paving company Long Island for all exterior paving needs.

If you are thinking about purchasing your first PTAC unit, such as a 5rsk13, here’s a look at some information that you will find very valuable.

How a PTAC Unit Works

A PTAC unit is designed with a compressor-based system. This system pumps refrigerant through the compressor and then distributes that air throughout the space. In order to cool a room, the refrigerant will cool down the coils of the unit, which forces the heat and humidity out of the room. Are you and your loved ones covered in case of catastrophe? Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 1.18.19 PM

The Benefits of a Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner

Often used to heat hotels, hospitals, and other industrial locations, packaged terminal air conditioners work the best in single-room applications. One of the biggest benefits of using a PTAC, like the 8rsk13, is that unlike central heating or air conditioning, you don’t need any ductwork to operate this system. This can save you a lot of time and money, not to mention mess. Additionally, a PTAC unit is a more energy-efficient and cost-effective heating and cooling solution than a central heating or cooling system. They use less energy than central units, which means that they cost less to operate.


Purchase Considerations

There are several types of ice air PTAC nyc units on the market. In order to choose the best unit for your needs, there are certain factors that you should take into consideration. These factors include:

  • The BTU Output. You want to make sure that the unit puts out the proper amount of BTUs for the space that you will be using it in. British Thermal Units, or BTUs, are the units of measurement that determine how much cooling capacity a PTAC offers. Make sure that you choose a unit that offers the proper amount of BTUs to cool the space, otherwise, it won’t be efficient. On the other hand, you don’t want to have too many BTUs, as this can end up causing you to use unnecessary energy, which can have a serious impact on your energy bills.
  • The Plug Type. PTAC units can have one of three types of plugs: a 15 amp, a 20 amp, or a 30 amp plug. Make sure that you choose a unit that has a plug that corresponds with the outlet you are going to use so you can ensure the unit will work properly, and so you can avoid damage to the unit and to your electrical system.
  • The Cost. You also want to make sure you consider the cost of the unit. Not only should you consider the cost of the unit itself, and the installation, but you should also consider the operating costs of an 8rsk18.


A PTAC unit can be a valuable asset for your heating and cooling needs. With this information, you can purchase the best unit and ensure that all of your needs will be met.