A Spiritual Perspective On Unhealthy Relationships

By Sofia: In the tapestry of life, we encounter various relationships, each leaving an imprint on our hearts and souls. Some connections align with our highest good, while others leave us feeling depleted and unfulfilled. Recognising which relationships are right for us can be a complex and deeply personal process. From a spiritual perspective, it read more…

Chasing Love

By Isabella: Does the target of your affections want to be with you? Are you giving all of your attention to a man or woman who rarely calls, texts or gets in touch? Are you hyper-focused on having your way and forcing a relationship to work? Well then you are not alone. Every week I read more…

Loved Ones’ Guidance: Messages From The Other Side?

By Lori: Believing in spiritual guidance from loved ones who have passed away can bring comfort and support during difficult times. Whether you interpret signs, feelings, or experiences as messages from them is a personal belief. What matters most is the solace and encouragement it brings to you. Many people believe that loved ones in read more…


By Ann: Self-love isn’t about prioritizing yourself over others or self-punishment when things go wrong. It’s about treating yourself with kindness and patience, even after making mistakes. Self-compassion is another aspect of loving oneself. Above all, self-love perseveres with tenacity. God first loved us and demonstrated His love for us through the death of Jesus read more…

The Personal Mask & Your Self-Esteem

By Janet: Every day in our lives, we wear our own unique personal masks. I believe that no one’s mask is the same. Our mask is what we project about ourselves, manifested through our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical beliefs and experiences as humans on Earth. Therefore, our mask is forever changing and evolving with read more…

The Illusion Of Love Spells

By Aeson: For more than two decades, I’ve dedicated myself to aiding others in matters of love and relationships. It’s not uncommon for people to approach me seeking advice, often inquiring about love spells or confessing their attempts at love magic on someone. In these moments, I always offer a word of caution. Love spells read more…

How to Pray

By Rani: You have to keep in mind God does not speak. This is how animals remain pure and why they are not allowed to speak. Animals have basic instinct which means they have coding to all things in this false reality. Remember when something is a circle you will be confused about what is read more…

Harnessing The Power of Manifestation

By Karla: In a world filled with uncertainty, one concept has gained significant traction among believers and skeptics alike: the power of manifestation. Whether you call it the law of attraction, positive thinking, or simply manifestation, the idea is the same – the belief that your thoughts and energy can shape your reality. Manifestation is read more…