Options To Evaluate Family Lawyers

Family lawyers in Miami are required for formalizing domestic relations like marriage, domestic partnerships, civil unions, adoption, surrogacy etc. They also are required when these relations break down as in divorce, child custody, alimony, annulment of marriage, property division, etc. They also deal with matters of child abuse or abduction, juvenile adjudication and paternity issues

Why does one need a family lawyer?

One needs a family lawyer because most of the above predicaments require legal advice, drafting of documents and representation in family courts. The issues are personal and there is lot of raw emotion and hurt involved. So a rational voice to help family members extend over these difficult times is provided by sympathetic but objective family lawyers in Miami who takes care of your interests and prevents you from taking irrational decisions.

Put briefly, the reasons why you need a lawyer are:

  • Knowledge of family law – the rules and statutes are the domain of a family law attorney Miami and you need that
  • Preparation of documents
  • Becoming acquainted with your rights amidst the legal jargon. A property division lawyer in Miami could ensure that you receive a fair share of joint property.
  • Saving time – important when you are a professional
  • Saving costs – hiring a lawyer can ensure that you don’t lose the case, had you represented yourself. This may have translated into paying the other party a huge sum of money.

How does one evaluate a family lawyer?

You need to find a lawyer who will represent your particular case.  Working on similar cases, he would know to handle the documentation, filing the petition seeing you through the trial, etc. Or you may want to do the court presentation yourself but just get the lawyer to review the documents and give you legal advice. So you can choose the lawyer you want depending on the extent of hand holding you require.

Once you have decided the type of assistance you need, you need to start looking. The internet is a great place to start hunting to home into the right lawyer among many civil lawyers inMiami. Once you have found an experienced family attorney, check their website and see if you are happy with the website. Is it in good taste and professional?

Next review the working style of the attorney as is disclosed on the website. Get word of mouth references.  Whether she is aggressive or more inclined to work out settlements out of court. This should gel somewhat with what you envisage as the further course of action.

Interviewing the lawyer

Once you have narrowed down your search, it is time to go and actually meet your lawyer.  It would be advisable to carry whatever paper work has accumulated in the particular case. Here is a list of questions you have to ask the attorney when you first meet.

  • What are the chances of winning the case
  • What are your fee components, retainer fee and hourly billing rate.
  • Do you charge for conveyance, phone calls etc.
  • What experience do you have in handling similar cases to mine.

We hope you don’t ever need one, but if you do, you know what to look for.


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