What is air pollution?

Air is a mixture of gases and dust particles which is present all around us. It comprises of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% of argon, 0.04% of carbon dioxide and very small amount of other gases. Because of air only all living creatures are able to breathe and live. It has no color and no smell.

When the air is affected by the presence of chemicals from the factories, dust, pollen etc. refers to as Air pollution. Air pollution is of two types:

Indoor air pollution: It involves exposures to particulates like carbon dioxide or any other pollutants that are carried by indoor air or dust. Examples are

  • Use of chemicals or any household products.
  • Material used for building or construction like lead, formaldehyde etc.
  • Tobacco smoke

Outdoor air pollution: It involves the exposures that take place outside the build environment .Example are:

  • Burning of coal and petroleum
  • Noxious gases
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Ground level Ozone

It is further classified in two categories namely

  • Visible air pollution: It is a form of pollution which we can actually see like use of plastic which are found n beaches or sea shores, the dumpsites in the groves, the solid waste from the factories etc.
  • Invisible air pollution: The form of pollution which we can’t see but we can feel when we breathe like smoke from cars and vehicles, from factories, smoke from cigratte.

Air Pollution Causes

There are various types of air pollution like:

  • Burning of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and other factory combustibles are the major cause behind air pollution. In addition to this air pollution is also caused by cars and other vehicles on which we rely to fulfill our daily needs for transportation.
  • The agricultural activities also contribute in polluting the air. A very common byproduct used in agricultural related activities is Ammonia which is one of the most hazardous gases in the atmosphere. Also now days in agriculture the use of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizes have been increased which emit harmful chemicals in the air thus causing Air pollution.
  • Day by day new factories and industries are been set up which releases large amount if harmful gases like carbon monoxide, hydro carbons and all which thereby are depleting the quality of air.
  • Another cause behind air pollution is Mining, in which minerals from the earth are extracted using large equipments and during the process dust and chemicals are released causing massive air pollution.
  • Household cleaning products, painting products also cause air pollution.

Effects of air pollution:

There are hazardous effects of air pollution on our health which can be:

Respiratory & Heart problems: Air pollution effects are alarming as they are creating respiratory and heart problems and it can also be the reason behind cancer and other threats in the body. Children exposed to air pollution are more prone to get affected by pneumonia and asthma.

Global warming: It occurs when carbon dioxide and other air pollutants or gases block the sunrays and absorb which bounce back from the earth’s surface and thus resulting in the hot atmosphere on the earth. Global warming is strongly linked with the extreme weather changes on earth. It also affects the glaciers which rise the level of sea and this results in flooding at the coastal areas. With global warming there is an increase in the diseases like Asthma, allergies and other infections.

Acid rain: When the rain water get mixed with the acidic or other harmful gases or pollutants present in the air results in the Acid rain. It is not only harmful for the humans but it also dangerous and life threatening for animals, aquatic animals and plants as well.

Eutrophication: When the high amount of nitrogen gets accumulated on the water surface and turns into the algae form which adversely affects the water species and plants.

Effect on wildlife: The toxic and pollutants present in the air don’t have the adverse effect only on the humans but it causes damage to the animals as well. The effect in the air forces them to change their place hence enforcing them to change their habitat as well.

Depletion of Ozone layer: Ozone is a layer present in the atmosphere which protects the earth’s creatures from the harmful rays of sunlight called as UV- Ultra violet rays. But due to air pollution of any type whether indoor or outdoor is affecting the ozone drastically and making it thin day by day. The depletion of ozone is causing kin and eye related problems and affecting the plantation as well.

Health effects of air pollution

The air pollution has adverse effects on our health in many ways such as:

  • It aggravates the respiratory and cardio-vascular illness.
  • The presence of pollutants in the air adds stress to the heart and lungs which have to work hard to provide oxygen to the body.
  • It can also damage the cells of the respiratory system.

The people who are exposed to the polluted environment can have permanent health issues such as:

  • It accelerates aging of lungs.
  • It lower the function of lungs which may result in asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and may lead to cancer.
  • The people who are commonly seen getting affected by air pollution are:
  • The individual will have high rate of getting heart diseases, coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure.
  • Even the lungs are mostly seen affected by this resulting in problems like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Pregnant women
  • The workers who have to work outdoors are affected.
  • Adults or the elderly people
  • Athletes who exercise vigorously outdoors.

Prevention from air pollution:

 There are several ways through which we can reduce the pollution in the air and preventing our lives along with the environment as well.

The outdoor pollutions can be prevented in ways like:

  • Minimize the pollution by the vehicle which can be done by doing the PUC of the vehicle.
  • Avoid using the vehicles for going to the short distance or another good option is to have a car pool.
  • Save energy like less usage of ACs as they release hot air in the environment.
  • Try to but recyclable products.
  • Plant more trees which will help in purifying the air.

The indoor ways to get prevention from air pollution is:

  • Maintain a small garden at your home where indoor air purifying plants.
  • Open the windows for the fresh air crossing.
  • Try to use more of natural products.
  • Avoid smoking indoors.
  • One should vacuum the hoe once in a week.
  • Dusting should be a part of daily regime.
  • Make less use of carpets as dust is collected more on it or vacuum it regularly.

In Ayurveda there are variety of herbs through which we can prevent ourselves from getting affected by air pollution like:

  • Neem- At leasy 3-4 leaves twice in a week will help the person to purify the blood and lymphatic tissues.
  • Tulsi or Basil: It absorbs the pollution and drinking 10-15 ml of its juice helps clear the pollutants from the respiratory tract.
  • Turmeric or Haldi: It is also known as the best anti biotic.
  • Ghee: It is very helpful in Chelating the toxic effects of metals like lead and mercury and it doesn’t allow them to accumulate in bones, kidneys and liver.
  • Pippali: It is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs for purifying the lungs and thus enables easy breathing.
  • Triphala: Due to pollution there is imbalance in the doshas of the body hence triphala is best herb for balancing the same.
  • Pomegranate Juice: It is also best blood purifying fruit.
  • Massage: In Ayurveda the warm oil massages are helpful in rejuvenating the mind and body.
  • Steam: One in a week the person should take steam by adding few drops of essential oils like eucalypyus or peppermint oil.

Practice Yoga: In Yoga there are simple breathing asans such as Pranayam, kapalbati, alom vilom which are helpful in fighting against the ill effects of pollution on health.

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