5 Easy Ways to Train your Miniature Schnauzer

Along with being an excellent guard dog, Miniature Schnauzers are handsome, energetic, friendly, and adaptable. They’re very adorable and highly distractible. Especially on walks, their terrier personality comes out when they get fascinated with every little creature that is moving around it.

Love them? Five Star Canine offers Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale in Ohio.

There may be times when your pooch will pull on his leash after seeing a butterfly, bird, or a dragonfly. You need to gain control over your dog and train using positive, positive reward-based training since they’re sensitive and don’t respond well to punishments.

To make your Miniature Schnauzer well socialized, you need to be firm and consistent while training it. Let’s continue the article with a few handy tips to train your pet.

Rule 1: You need to stay positive without getting frustrated during early training. Use treats, toys, and praise to train to keep your dog motivated. Also, combine your training session with affection and play.

Miniature Schnauzers are easy-to-please dogs and easy-to-train. The best time for training is to start as early as possible.

#Tip 1: Start when young

Dogs learn best with a clean slate, while for older dogs, it’s difficult to break bad habits. Also, this is the best time to nurture your relationship and infuse good habits.

#Tip 2: Implement reward-based training

Positive reinforcement is the best method than heavy-handed tactics. This method depends on consistency, repetition, and contact appreciation.

These dogs tend to respond well to upbeat training sessions wherein they’re treated positively. You can make up their mood by playing games like hide and seek, fetch, chase, and likewise. With this, you can strengthen your bond and make training enjoyable.

#Tip 3: Never raise your volume

You need to be assertive and calm during your training period. Make sure you give all your commands in an authoritative tone and maintain your tone throughout.

Never use a negative tone while calling out your dog,especially never call it by the name when you’re warning. By doing this, you will be able to build trust and positively associated with your little furry munchkin.

# Tip 4: Challenge your pet

They love learning new tricks and are always curious to explore new activities. Challenge them to do much more than just basic obedience training.

#Tip 5: Be patient

All you need is consistency and a bunch of patience to achieve results in a short period. With regular training, your dog will turn into a super dog in a few weeks or a month.

Five Star Canine is a family run kennel providing Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale in Ohio. We are responsible breeders and dedicated to offering you healthy and happy puppies in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Chicago. Reserve your desired puppy from here!

Understanding the Temperament of the Welsh Corgis

In the old times, Corgis were used to herd animals and keep an eye out for any strange activities in the surroundings.

Today, these adorable furry animals aren’t really used, just loved to the core.

The Welsh Corgis identify in two breeds:

  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi
  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi

When it comes to temperament and personality, there aren’t a lot of differences, so before you visit a store where you find Corgi puppies for sale in Indiana, let’s take a look at their traits.

1. If you want a puppy that has a larger than life attitude, then Corgi dogs are the best option for you. While some dogs may be super bossy, some may be submissive, but almost always are playful. They’re receptive to training, so it shouldn’t be much work on your part.

2. Corgis are one of those breeds of dogs that hate being pushed around. So as you train them, make sure you have enough space for them to run around. Treat them when they do something right during their training sessions and ensure that they have a positive outlook on your training.

3. As their dominant personality of being herding dogs would suggest, they tend to make their own rules and not listen to you. You will need to curb their dominant side and control their barking habit. They are famous for barking excessively for no reason at all.

Corgis are sensitive and do not like to be left alone. Their behavior might change and turn destructive. So, during their training sessions, make sure they understand that they will be left alone at times.

Oh, and hey, did you know what Corgis get along with cats once they get used to them? So if you have a cat and want to add a Corgi to your family, you won’t have to worry!

Five Star Canine is a family run kennel that believes in the happiness of all the puppies that come through its doors and keep them happy. We form close bonds with puppies and their parents to ensure that their safety, health, happiness, and stability are not compromised in any way. We see animals as living souls that could become our friends. Talk to us if you want are looking for Corgi puppies for sale in Indiana.

5 Things you should know about your fat, Chinese Pug

What can be cuter than a pug? You might describe pugs as friendly, charming, affectionate, funny, docile, and whatnot. If you are longing for this adorable creature, then there are some things you have to consider before buying one.

All dogs come with huge responsibilities, and you need to know their nature and characteristics such that you get a brief idea if they can fit in your lifestyle and personality. Visit your nearby kennel providing Pugs for sale in Indiana to understand it.

But at the moment, paw down to know more about these ‘clowny’ dogs

Did you say ‘personal space’?

Once you bring home a pug, you are their whole world. Yes! They are attention seekers and will never leave your side, even if you want to shower. Forget that you will be getting your ‘personal’ space with this goofball.

Pugs shed… a lot

Prepare yourself for the pug-fur rolling all over your floor. You can’t escape from vacuuming your house every 30 minutes. How about choosing a pug considering the color of your floor?

It needs cleaning every day (unlike you!)

You have to make a ritual of cleaning its eye-snot, waxy ears, and brush between wrinkles daily or weekly. No-one would want ‘stinky’ pugs lingering in the room. They are high-maintenance dogs that need to be groomed every day.

Did you clean its anal glands?

If your Pug starts smelling like rotten fish, then it’s time to time to clean its poop glands. This is when the anal glands get clogged, and you will see your dog dragging its bum on the floor. Your Pug needs to be taken to the vet several times a year.

If you think you can do this, then Five Star Canine provides Pugs for sale in Indiana.

Pugs cannot S-W-I-M

A Pug’s round, heavy body, and stumpy legs make them a bad swimmer. Your puggie cannot be taken to beaches or swimming pools, are you okay with it?

Also, pugs are known to be inactive animals who don’t like fetching balls or catching frisbees. But, they are the most compassionate creature who will keep you entertained all day long with their cute faces and ‘ROFL’ like actions.

Are you ready for one?

Five Star Canine is a family run kennel located in Shipshewana, Indiana. We have Pugs, Miniature Schnauzers, Cocker Spaniels, Pembroke Welch Corgis, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for sale. Are you finding a Pug for sale in Indiana? Visit us!

Pug Facts: 6 Things You Didn’t Know About Them

Pugs are adorable.

Their googly eyes can melt the hardest of hearts, and you know it!

Every year, we celebrate National Pug Day on October 15th, for a good reason.

Just look at them! How could we not?

Are you looking for a pug for sale in Indiana? Then your search is over because 5 Star Canine awaits to serve you!

Anyway, no matter how much you like them, you might not know these things about them.

So here we go!

1. A lot of people believe that the cutsie breed hails from China and has been around since 400 BCE. It is said that pugs were Buddhist monks pets in their Tibetan monasteries.

2. Holland has a unique way to call a group of pugs. They’re known as mopshond, which derives from a word in Dutch that means “to grumble.”

3. If you’re a fan, you already know that pugs are known for their curved tails. Now, for most, this goes a little further, and they say that if a pug has a double curl, then it’s perfection.

Single curl or double curl, if you’re looking for a pug for sale in Indiana, then come to 5 Star Canine.

4. Queen Victoria loved pugs to the core and was known to be the top British dog fancier.

5. Did you know that because of the pushed in noses that pugs have, they are prone to breathing problems? Make sure you take care of them!

6. It is said that emperors in China treated pugs as royalty and were given their own little palaces and guards.

Today, pugs’ lives aren’t that different.

We still love them the same and have little homes for them, if not palaces.

Five Star Canine is a family run kennel that believes in the happiness of all the puppies that come through its doors and keep them happy. We form close bonds with puppies and their parents to ensure that their safety, health, happiness, and stability are not compromised in any way. We see animals as living souls that could become our friends. Talk to us if you want to find a pug for sale in Indiana.

3 Tips on Caring for Your Pug Puppy: Happy Mind and Body

The moment you think about pugs, you’d think of a cute ball of mushiness, isn’t it?

Well, you wouldn’t be wrong. Pugs are super adorable and one of the most soulful feeling and looking animals. These qualities would have to come with a price.

Their small wrinkly face and their curved tails are enough to make you fall in love with them each time you see them. If you’ve fallen into adopting one, or you’re looking for a pug for sale in Indiana, but don’t know a lot about how to take care of them, then don’t worry.

We’ve got you!

Pug puppies are a tad bit tougher to take care of than adult dogs since they’re prone to suffer from numerous health issues if not taken care of properly.

So here’s what you do.

1. Before They Come Home

You want all your grooming necessities on hand, starting with the brushes and cotton swabs to puppy shampoo and petroleum jelly. Oh, and don’t forget dog treats and foods!

2. Maintaining Cleanliness

Pugs shed their hair continually because of their double coat. You want to make sure that you brush them out at least twice each week and vacuum it. A regular bath shouldn’t be a problem since they’d be quite happy to be around water anyway. To make sure that your pug’s skin remains soft and protected, you want to try out oatmeal-based shampoos. Keep their ears dry and clean to avoid an ear infection.

If you’re looking for a pug for sale in Indiana, then talk to us today!

3. Protection from Heat

Here’s the deal, pugs cannot handle the heat, so if you live in a warm place, you want to keep the indoors cool. They don’t have wet noses, so it becomes tough for them to adjust their body temperature. For the extremely hot areas, you could use cold compresses on their belly, keeping them safe from the heat.

There you have it!

We hope you’re able to keep your lovely pug happy and safe!

Five Star Canine is a family run kennel that believes in the happiness of all the puppies that come through its doors and keep them happy. We form close bonds with puppies and their parents to ensure that their safety, health, happiness, and stability are not compromised in any way. We see animals as living souls that could become our friends. Talk to us if you want to find a pug for sale in Indiana.