Tips For Losing Weight

Want to lose weight fast? If you're sick of being overweight and want a new life, these ten tips will help.

1. See Your Doctor First and Get Advice
Your first step is to visit your doctor. There may be a medical reason you're piling on the pounds.

2. Keep a Food Diary and Write Down Every Bite
Studies have shown that keeping a food diary leads to permanent weight loss. Get a small notebook, and write down every bite you eat, and what you drink, every day.

3. Fight White - Is It Processed? Don't Eat It
Avoid white flour and white sugar as they are bad for you. Opt for whole wheat bread, and eliminate cakes and cookies from your diet completely. If you find it hard to do, have just one sweet treat a day. As you become healthier, your cravings for "sugar high" will gradually vanish.

4. Step on the Scales Just Once a Week
Weigh yourself once a week, at the same time, wearing the same clothes. Your weight can fluctuate day to day, and in your first few weeks of weight loss, the constant fluctuations can be worrying. Just weigh yourself once a week, and record your weight in your food diary.

5. Eat Right, Forget Dieting
Want a diet? Most diets are the same. They teach you to eat healthily, and to exercise. If you're not sure how to choose healthy foods, investigate a diet. However, once you know what's good for you to eat, and what isn't, forget dieting.

6. Go for a Walk - and Stretch
You need to move; your body's designed for it, and needs it. Go for a five minute walk during your lunch hour, and for a ten minute walk after work. Increase the length of your walks so you're walking for 30 minutes daily.

7. Drink Water Every Day
Water is good for you. Drink up.

8. Think Vegetables and Spices: Make a Yummy Soup
Hate vegetables? Cook them up in a spicy soup, and eat a cup of soup for lunch, and before your evening meal.

9. Enjoy Yourself: Build Fun Into Every Day
What's fun for you? Do something fun every day. It's essential for both your mental health and physical health.

10. Set Goals for All Areas of Your Life: You Have the Energy for Achievement Now
Now you're eating well and exercising, you've got the energy to create the life of your dreams. Set goals in every area of your life - health, family, finances, work - and achieve them. You can do it.