Thursday 10 July 2008

Does Richard Hammond think he's Louis Theoreux?

I watched the documentary on Evel Kinevel on BBC with Richard Hammond.

Good as it was, he was trying to be a bit Louis Theoreux...and there is only one Louis T.

Nice try Hammond, stick to your own style.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

The Apprentice UK

A sorry lineup for this year - mostly bullsh*ting sales reps.

The last few episodes have been interesting. They are fairly inept to say the least and spend their time grinding the corporate ladder with BS. Amazing.

Raef and Michael seemed to become best of buddies during the tissue advertising task. No sooner were they in the board room than Michael stabbed Raef in the back.

I wish Lucinda would be more emotionally stable - as she is the most adaptable, fast learning, easy to work with individual. She's my pick for the win.

Friday 16 May 2008

The Artful Dodgers, BBC

Quite an amazing programme about the 'Artful Dodgers', a forgery team who fooled the world of experts.

An eccentric family - a father who loved telling stories and a son who was a fantastic artist - together made just amazing copies of long lost masterpieces.

They were only rumbled when a spelling mistake was made in one of the pieces....I guess they're eccentric all right!

But deep down there was a different motivation than your typical forger - they lived in squalor and poverty - instead it was the thrill.

Friday 4 April 2008

Holy smokes, where did they git the idiots for The Apprentice UK?

By der gods, they really found some prize 'nuggets'.

Hoi poloi-wannabe corporate twats who don't know the price of fish or that £5 to clean a pillow case for a major hotel is a little expensive.

Real world, I don't think these people have a scooby to be honest.

There are a few normal ones in there, and I can clearly see a few winners.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is based on a popular teen book and has now been brought to our screens by the creators of the O.C.

Fortunately, they've toned down the 'these kids are rich' bit a little but it can't be stopped completely. One minute one of the cast is seen riding a bus to school - next he's in the hotel bar dressed to the 9s sipping cocktails on a school night. Ridiculous.

Further more ridiculous is the lead actress who looks almost 30 but is supposed to be 18?!?!

But we have to give these dramas a chance and I'll probably watch the 2nd episode - the 1st episode mostly sets the scene.

Thursday 10 January 2008

American Gangster - documentary

American Gangster the documentary series is an extremely slick series on gangsters from the US.

Featuring Frank Lucas and others, it shows what their hard lives were like - many are purely a product of the white-man system which produces such dangerous individuals.

One gangster sold heroin out of 'anger' and Frank Lucas started life with his cousin being shot in front of him by the KKK.

It's no wonder they turn out as they have. American Gangster is a superb series that shows you the true side of gang-sta life.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Desperate Housewives finale

In dramatic style, Desperate Housewives finished with the revelation that a husband was having an affair, Victor was killed by a piece of flying wood and fairview was flattened by a tornado in the process. Oh and Carlos lost $10M.

Just a fanastic series, but this break is going to kill me.